The 9 Most Important Things to Know Before You Create a Small Business to Sell

amazon seller

May 3, 2023

by Ben

The 9 Most Important Things to Know Before You Create a Small Business to Sell

Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset, a great business idea, and the desire to create an e-commerce company that’s worth selling? If so, there are a few things you need to know before you get ...


Feb 1, 2023

by Ben

Why Work With A Broker When Selling Your Ecom Business?

Selling Your Ecom Business: Pros and Cons of Going Solo vs. Working with an Expert Broker So, you successfully launched an e-commerce business, scaled it, and now you’re ready to sell it. As you’ll have ...

5 Ways To Automate And Scale Your Amazon Business So That It’s Sellable

Jan 4, 2022

by Ben

6 Steps to Automated, Scalable, and Sellable Business

Want to create an automated, scalable and sellable business? Read on. Pretty early on in my entrepreneurial journey, I was a one-man operation. I started Beast Gear in 2016, on my laptop, in a cupboard. ...


Nov 10, 2021

by Ben

Popular Add-Backs for FBA Owners

An add-back is an expense that isn’t needed to maintain your business.  Or, in other words, a one-time expense that you don’t pass onto the next owner of your business.  You might have heard of ...

Amazon And eCommerce In 2021: What To Look For

Mar 3, 2021

by Ben

Amazon And eCommerce In 2021: What To Look For

Amazon is not only the biggest online retailer in the world, it’s also one of the most innovative and changeable. In other words, it’s always changing, and what worked for eCommerce business owners in 2020 ...

Can I Sell My Amazon FBA Business?

Feb 1, 2021

by Ben

Can I Sell My Amazon FBA Business?

Okay, so you’ve decided that now is the time to sell your Amazon FBA business.  First of all – congrats for getting to this point! Secondly, you’re probably wondering whether or not your Amazon FBA ...

How Do You Sell An Amazon FBA Business?

Dec 15, 2020

by Ben

How Do You Sell An Amazon FBA Business?

Built-up a decent Amazon FBA business? That’s great. But now you’re ready to sell it.  However, I want to level with you straight away before we dive right into this article: Selling your FBA business ...

When Should You Sell Your eCommerce Business?

Dec 15, 2020

by Ben

When Should You Sell Your eCommerce Business?

When Should You Sell Your eCommerce Business? Launching an eCommerce business is really exciting. But selling it can be just as exciting. The big question, though, isn’t necessarily whether or not you should sell your ...

The Smart Way To Develop Products For eCommerce

Nov 23, 2020

by Ben

The Smart Way To Develop Products For eCommerce

One of the things that get overlooked whenever a budding entrepreneur plans to launch an eCommerce store is product development. We focus so much on selling other people’s products that we forget to develop our ...

What You Need To Know To Sell Your Business

Nov 9, 2020

by Ben

What You Need To Know To Sell Your Business

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at exactly what you need to know to sell your business. Building your own business from the ground up is an exhilarating feeling. It’s your creation – ...