It is possible that you could sell your business direct to a buyer. That is not a good idea, for several reasons:

1.  Ecom Brokers gets you the best possible exit

When you go direct, you don’t get a high enough price and you don’t get the best terms. When we handle it for you, we get the best price to reflect the real value of your business because we market your business to all of the potential buyers out there.

2.  It’s a LOT of work

You think you’ve worked hard on your business, poured your heart and soul into it. Now try selling it. It’s an enormous amount of work. Not only are you trying to set-up the sale, but you’re trying to keep running the business at the same time.

Imagine all the stuff you do for your business, and then add preparing it for sale, marketing it, and answering all the potential buyer’s questions (and there’s a LOT). Not fun.

You need the experts to do it for you and do it well. That’s Ecom Brokers.

3.  We’re experts on ALL sides.

You absolutely know your business better than anyone. But we’re also ecommerce experts: we’ve built, scaled and sold international 7-figure brands. Add our 20+ years financial experience and you’ve got the perfect combination. We’re not just brokers – we deeply understand the ecom game – which is vital when you’re looking for the right partners to sell your business. We’ll set you up to sell, find the buyer and get the deal done.

The value of your business depends on a variety of factors including the profit, the monetisation method, sales channels, marketing assets, business age, degree of automation, quality of processes and many more.

When you sell with Ecom Brokers, we analyse your business in detail in order to deeply understand all of the aspects which contribute to an accurate valuation.

In ecommerce, typically businesses are valued at around 20-60x average net monthly profit. Of course, buyers may offer more or less than the initial valuation. It’s all part of negotiating the deal.

It’s very easy. Just click *here* to submit a few details and we’ll get started.

This depends on the type of business, the niche,  the platform, quality of processes, level of automation, how much work is required etc. When we vet your business, we’ll give you our professional view on how long it could take. It could be less than a month, or it could be longer.

Yes. After the buyer has been vetted and ‘unlocked’ the listing by paying our unlock fee. This means they can access specific details like your URL, brand name, and reports. They’ll also be able to ask you questions and set-up a call.

No. We put in a great deal of effort into vetting your business, finding the right buyer and putting them through our buyer vetting processes. We can’t let potential buyers do significant due diligence only to then find that the business they wanted sold through another channel.

We can give you an initial consultation for free.

After that, we offer sellers flexible models depending on their priorities or circumstances, such as a milestone-based focus vs. a success-based focus.

We’re experienced entrepreneurs who build, scale and sell businesses.

Who better to get your business through the sale process?